I’m older now and it seems that one of its benefits is that I am finally becoming the person I should always have been. I’m quieter, happier, less impulsive (that one takes effort), less stubborn and a lot more considerate. I don’t see too many of the ’old gang’ anymore... nice people but far too young to be any kind of a support structure!.. and that has helped me to find my inner peace. I now only spend time with people I care about and who care about me. As soon as I see a glimpse of arrogance, anger or ...read more

21 January 2016

It’s been such a long while since I shot or edited anything that I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself. I’ve finally got my engines running again and kept them running all weekend as I put together four minutes of footage that will form some part of a bigger feature. The last time I sat at my editing suite was back in March, the last time I’d picked my movie camera up was before Christmas. I’ve had [good] reasons for not doing any of it but feel suitably shamed for being too busy at work. Last summer I decided that the ...read more

Shoot ’til Your Batteries Die. That’s what I did this morning. I got up at 7:00am and was out the door and on my way to the side streets of the city by 7:15. No time to shower, no time to shave, just out. It was cold and it was wet but I kept on shooting footage of the city as it started to wake up. There were young people going home from a night out. Others were arriving for their early morning Sunday shifts. I got into a conversation with a garbage collector who apologised for spoiling my shots. ...read more

16 January 2016

They’re gone. They caught the plane out of Melbourne, Australia this evening and I was very sad to see them go. The emotional exchange caught us all by surprise. I will miss them and I hope that they will miss me. They have been the place for me to go of an evening when I didn’t want to be on my own. They have been my family here in Australia. ...read more